Location Information

  • Triple S Polaris
  • 110 West 535 South, Cedar City, UT, 84720 US

Register Today


9:00AM-4:00 PMWednesday

Registration at Triple S Polaris (During business hours)
Located: 110 West 535 South
Cedar City, Utah 84720

8:30 AMThursday

Staging at Trail Head (Location will be given in registration packet)
At 9:00 AM Safety instructions and ride overview at trail head. Then proceed to the ride when the overview is complete.

8:30 AMFriday

Staging at Trail Head (Location will be given in registration packet)
At 9:00 AM Safety instructions and ride overview at trail head. Then proceed to the ride when the overview is complete.

7:00 PMFriday Night

Food, Music, Giveaways and Activities at Triple S Polaris
Located: 110 West 535 South
Cedar City, Utah 84720


Registration includes: Shirt, Hat, Raffle Ticket and Swag Bag.

  • Registration Fee
    Swag Bag
    Raffle Tickets

  • T-shirt
    Swag Bag
    Raffle Ticket

  • T-shirt
    Swag Bag
    Raffle Ticket

  • T-shirt
    Swag Bag
    Raffle Ticket


Pick one Ride for Thursday and one ride for Friday. 

  • Length 55 Miles
    Intermediate/Advance Trail
    It travels along the Coyote Bench road, leading to the Fremont Canyon road, and further on to Cottonwood Creek. Progressing southward along Cottonwood Creek, it traces the gas pipeline road to reach the summit of Oak Basin Ridge. The trail then proceeds along the ridge to intersect with the power line road, continuing towards the Buckskin Valley north road. Moving southward, it reaches SR 20, crosses the highway, and follows the Buckskin county road, ascending over Showalter Mountain to reach Lower Bear Valley. Continuing along the county road to the south, it leads to the Cottonwood Creek road, heads west to the junction of Buckskin Road, and then turns north towards Buckskin Valley. The trail persists northward along the west side of the valley, crossing SR 20. It descends down Anderson Peak to the west and eventually returns to the parking area.

  • Length 56 miles, skill level is advanced. The Stateline trail starts at the Modena Trailhead and
    heads west following the old Modena road to SR 56. It follows SR 56 to the Gold Springs county road,
    crossing the Nevada state line and on to the old ghost town of Fay. It continues north back into Utah just
    east of Government Peak, travels down Ophir Basin, to the old Ophir Mine. It continues north to the old
    fire scar where wild horses can be seen. The trail turns east to the old ghost town of Stateline and
    follows the county road back to Modena.

  • Length 35 miles, skill lever intermediate. The trail starts at the Parowan Fairgrounds, around
    Heritage Park, and south past the “P” Hill, through the vegetation treatment and onto Maple Hollow. It
    winds down Maple Hollow to SR 143 at the Frisbee Golf Course, continues up Parowan Canyon following
    the water pipeline to 1st Left Hand Canyon. It travels up this canyon to the Yankee, and further south to
    the Sidney Valley lookout. The trail back tracks back to the 2nd Left hand Canyon and follows it out to SR
    143. The Trail continues down the Parowan Canyon to the Parowan Fairgrounds.

  • Length 55 Miles
    Intermediate/Advance Trail
    It travels along the Coyote Bench road, leading to the Fremont Canyon road, and further on to Cottonwood Creek. Progressing southward along Cottonwood Creek, it traces the gas pipeline road to reach the summit of Oak Basin Ridge. The trail then proceeds along the ridge to intersect with the power line road, continuing towards the Buckskin Valley north road. Moving southward, it reaches SR 20, crosses the highway, and follows the Buckskin county road, ascending over Showalter Mountain to reach Lower Bear Valley. Continuing along the county road to the south, it leads to the Cottonwood Creek road, heads west to the junction of Buckskin Road, and then turns north towards Buckskin Valley. The trail persists northward along the west side of the valley, crossing SR 20. It descends down Anderson Peak to the west and eventually returns to the parking area.

  • Length 56 miles, skill level is advanced. The Stateline trail starts at the Modena Trailhead and
    heads west following the old Modena road to SR 56. It follows SR 56 to the Gold Springs county road,
    crossing the Nevada state line and on to the old ghost town of Fay. It continues north back into Utah just
    east of Government Peak, travels down Ophir Basin, to the old Ophir Mine. It continues north to the old
    fire scar where wild horses can be seen. The trail turns east to the old ghost town of Stateline and
    follows the county road back to Modena.

  • Length 35 miles, skill lever intermediate. The trail starts at the Parowan Fairgrounds, around
    Heritage Park, and south past the “P” Hill, through the vegetation treatment and onto Maple Hollow. It
    winds down Maple Hollow to SR 143 at the Frisbee Golf Course, continues up Parowan Canyon following
    the water pipeline to 1st Left Hand Canyon. It travels up this canyon to the Yankee, and further south to
    the Sidney Valley lookout. The trail back tracks back to the 2nd Left hand Canyon and follows it out to SR
    143. The Trail continues down the Parowan Canyon to the Parowan Fairgrounds.


Additional Merchandise

  • Hat


    $20.00 ea.

  • T-Shirt


    Please note Shirt Size below

    $25.00 ea.

Liability Waiver Agreement
By registering for the Iron Off Road Rally Event, I hereby agree that there are inherent dangers
while riding ATV/OHV's. The Iron Off Road Rally, Triple S Polaris, Cedar City Area Chamber of
Commerce, Iron County, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Iron Springs Adventure
Resort, sponsors, guides, it's officers, employees, medical staff, volunteers and supporters or
anyone else who helped organize this event, will not be held responsible or liable for any
mishaps or accidents that take place during the rally. The above will also not be responsible for
personal property loss or damage. I understand that I am responsible for my safety
and well-being and any others in my care.
I understand that this is a guided ride event and I agree to the following guidelines:
1. Participants provide their own off highway vehicle.
2. Riders will take care of their own food and non-alcoholic beverages for the trip.
Suggested essentials are to bring plenty of water, include sun protection, and layered
clothing in case of changing weather circumstances.
3. Each participant must choose a trail ride that matches their skill level as well as their
machines abilities.
4. It is essential that participants stay on the designated routes, and that basic rules are
5. All OHVs must be equipped with the following:
a. At least one headlamp
b. At least one red tail lamp
c. Functioning braking system
d. Spark arrester
e. Muffler
f. Current registration sticker
6. OHV operators must have liability insurance coverage
7. Utah law requires youth, ages 8 to 15 (or until they get their state-issued driver
license), to complete a Utah Division of Parks and Recreation off-highway vehicle (OHV)
course before operating on public lands, roads or trails. It is illegal for any child under
the age of 8 to operate an OHV on any public land.
8. For the safety and comfort of all riders, participants will follow a guide who will assist
the group in determining and maintaining a safe and comfortable speed and will
determine the routes to be followed.
9. Each participant is required to follow the designated guide and follow all of their
trainings and guidelines.
10. Each rider will be responsible for the condition and operation of his or her own ATV/
UTV and related equipment, and of his or her own safety and protective gear, and that
of those in his charge.
11. A valid driver's license is required to operate a vehicle at the rally.
Again, by registering for the Iron Off-road Rally, I agree to all the above and take full
responsibility for myself, and those I am registering for, as set forth in this waiver.


Purchase ProtectionRECOMMENDED

Add Purchase Protection for a small fee and get a 100% refund of your registration purchase should you be prevented from attending due to a qualifying unforeseen circumstance. (Full Terms)

Why protect your registration purchase? Purchase Protection covers:

Severe Illness and InjurySevere Illness and Injury
Death in FamilyDeath in Family
Transportation FailureTransportation Failure
Crime and Home EmergencyCrime and Home Emergency
Employment ObligationsEmployment Obligations
Acts of NatureActs of Nature
Legal ObligationsLegal Obligations

Purchase Protection covers many common unforeseen circumstances, but exclusions apply. View full List of qualifying circumstances and exclusions.

* Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Not available for or applicable to events, attendees, or travel outside of the USA. Purchase Protection is a service offered by Purchase Protection LLC. Purchase Protection is not an insurance policy. It is a service that will refund you 100% of your event fees, taxes and dues should you be prevented by unforeseen circumstances from attending the event. Purchase Protection does not apply to, and will not reimburse, merchandise purchases and charitable donations. Purchase Protection fees will be charged as a separate transaction. Any changes made to your purchase will not change the amount covered in this agreement.

Read Full Terms and Conditions

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software